Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Itchy Feet!

We have been basically stationary for the last 6 months, and my feet are getting itchy to travel.  We have not been this stationary, in well... our whole marriage.  We were always on the road at least part time, raising support as missionaries, traveling to help family, traveling to the churches we worked in on the rez or elsewhere...
Now?  We are so settled it feels like my head is spinning.  This overly hot valley which houses the Phoenix metro is not a place I want to be stuck in for long.  Our lease is till October, so I will abide till then... Hopefully my health will hold out over the summer... as the 90 F it has been already this spring is doing a number on me already.

Maybe God is trying to teach me how to settle down.  How to be a good wife.  How to be a "Stay at Home Gypsy"...
All I know is I am climbing walls and restless trying to figure out who I am looks like in this new chapter that is beginning to open up... and I am not doing to well in the adjustment phase, as Robby can tell you.  Restless "Gypsy Gal" is not a happy "Gypsy Gal".  LOL.

Honestly though, I do think God is trying to teach me to be a good wife, homemaker, and to learn to be a gypsy without always being on the open road.

I don't know where the days and months ahead are leading me and Robby, only that we are on a grand new adventure... bumpy as it may be.
I don't know where this new "road" in life is going, only that the Journey-Giver has set it before us.
"Daddy, help me to be all that You wish for me, in this our new adventure! Amen."

~ Morria


  1. God bless in your new adventure staying in one place!

    Found you through the 'Titus 2sDay' link-up. : )

    1. Thanks for the comment! Yeah it is being an adventure, we are thinking there might be at least 1 more move in our future after my husband finishes culinary school. I just started following "Titus 2sDay", and discovered the link up... not all of my posts are on homemaking and such, thus I just pick ones that are. But my family has never been the "normal" family, and it shows another side of life walking with Christ, and trying to balance very
      different worlds... bi-vocational missions - now going through reentry, travelers, and Christians, and how it is doable. ^_^
