Friday, May 22, 2015

Desert Gypsy Goth, Reawakens!

For those of you who have known me for years, the fact that I consider my self a Goth comes as no surprise.  True, I have alot of steampunk, southwest, dark mori, hippyish, tastes, but that is why I have since 2008 called my style "Desert Gypsy Goth".  Back in the day, I use to speak about being a Goth all the time to who ever would listen, especially the fact that I was/am a Christian Goth.  But to those of you who have met me in the last 5 year, you might suspect, but not be sure.  It is not really something I speak about to much, even though I do have a whole blog dedicated to my hobby of "Gothic Homesteading" and a facebook page to boot!

No, as I have grown older, I know who I am, and just dont care as much what other people say or think.  I know my faith in the Lord, I know my duel callings to the southwest and the "shadowlands", I know that my darker tastes in things are just who I am.  Goodness knows how many times I have tried to brighten up my wardrobe, to only end up back with 90% browns, grays, dark blues and blacks.  But then brown and black have been my favorite wardrobe colors since I was at least 10, though it slowly creeped in.  Basically what I am trying to say is, yes, this is the "Year of the Gypsy", but be sure I am and shall always be me.

~ Morria

PS: Happy World Goth Day (May 22nd)!

Disclaimer: I mean no offence to the Romani culture, I have blood family who is Romani, and they/we take pride in being Gypsy.  ~MMN