Friday, August 16, 2013

Road "Home"?

Just where is home anymore?  Is it out in Dine Bikeyah?  Is it back there in Kentucky?  Is it somewhere else that God has not shown us yet?  So many questions, so many thoughts.  And still not answer for the long road ahead.
Our "little brother" and his passing has made us think harder about so many things.  We dont really know what the path before us holds, but we know we need to, for now, get back out here to Dine Bikeyah, and get here fast.

Yet, here we sit, Robby and I, at the motel in Sallisaw, OK, on our way back to Keavy, KY.  The trip is nearly over, and we will be back to life "as normal"... if there really is such a thing for gypsies like us.  I trust the days and months a head help us figure more stuff out, but for now, this gypsy gal has to get back to Keavy, so she can wash clothing, and get ready for her bus trip to Wichita, KS to see her dying mom...
But first, a good long nights rest and another day on the road.

~ Morria

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ats'inna and a Goal

Ats'inna Ruins...
Not many people have heard of these Anasazi/Zuni Ruins that are up top El Morro's Inscription Rock.  It is a beautiful hike, just be sure to carry plenty of water in a good backpack.  Robby and I took 2 hours reading the inscriptions, then started the hike up.  Twice because of my bad leg and my fear of heights, I wanted to quit, but once we were at the ruins, so worth it all.  Just seeing what they saw, and imagining what it was like when they lived up here.  WOW.

The reason we came back to New Mexico for the this week due to the loss of our young friend might have been a sad one, but it was so good to our souls to be out on the open road again.  It has stealed our resolve to get back to what we need to be doing... living out here.  How and when I am not sure, but we have not poured the year 2010, 2011, and 2012 out for nothing, and we have not spent most of 2013 working to get back out here, while helping tend to both Robby's mom as well as dealing with my mom's cancer, to just give up now.  No if anything, our young friend's untimely death has shown us all the more why we have to be out here.  How and what that looks like I dont know, but we must return.

~ Morria

Saturday, August 10, 2013

We Made It!

We got up early Friday Morning, and ate a heart meal of waffles thanks to the hot continental breakfast at our hotel. Then we pushed, and I mean pushed hard.  We stopped a few times to refill the gas and our bellies, but other than that we pushed.  From 9am Central time to 5am Mountian time the next day (today/Saturday) we were on the road.  We crashed on the warm, old brown carpet here at BABR to catch a quick nap before anyone was really up.  Then by 8am we were up and getting around for the memorial.

Why do we have to say "goodbye"?  Why do these things keep happening? Why does it seem I out live many who are even younger than I?  I mean, I am getting use to the thought I might not have my Merami much longer, but to lose someone who was just 17?  It sickens my heart, especially when it was to suicide.   Yet, I know how hard it can be.  When I was 16/17, I was facing death I thought... due to my "mystery" illness which to this day has no true name.  I myself thought of just ending it all a few times... years ago.  But to actually follow through... NO, I promise everyone, I will not even toy with that idea ever again, from this day forth... and thus honor my fallen brother's memory all the more.  Rest at peace in our Lord's arms little brother!

~ Morria

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Rain and Back on the Road!

It rained most of  today which was good for keeping the car cool as we drove it down to get fixed.  Chicken feathers, that was what killed the radiator!  It was full of chicken feathers... even after being flushed out 5 times the guy could not get them all out, so he got us a new radiator.  After that was all said and done, these gypsies got back on the road and pushed as far as we could before getting a night's rest.  I wanted to make it to Poteau, OK and see my uncle and aunt, but no... we only made it half way through Arkansas before I am to tired to push onwards...  Going to make a long day of it tomorrow, but the sleep will do me good.

~ Morria

Car Troubles

So, a friend from church gave us the funds out of the blue to get to New Mexico for the young man's memorial.  We were totally not expecting this.  It was all that we needed plus some extra.  That is all we were needing till at Hurricane Mills, Stormy decided she wanted to die.  Well, actually she had been over heating for a while, just at Hurricane Mills she decided she wasn't going to go any more.

Never in my life have has this gypsy gal been so thankful for a semi-hard bed at a Knight's Inn as I am tonight.  We were hot, soaked to the bone with our own sweat, and famished.  We walked to the gas station and got some pizza as nothing else was open.  Now after showers we are going to crash for the night.  Tomorrow, we are going to slowly drive on down into town, and prayerfully get the car fixed.  Dad said he would pay for it... Such a blessing.... Now, sleep calls my name...

~ Morria

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Songs of Sorrow...

Sorrow has come to our dwellings...
A young man close to our family was killed in a horrid accident.
He was like a shadow to my husband.
A young man of a great mind.
He shall be greatly missed.
So young, for his flame to go out.
'Tis time to sing the songs of sorrow about our dwellings.  
The time of mourning has come again.

~ Morria