Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Do They Know?

As I am sitting here, working at the homeless shelter in Chicago, my thoughts wonder to all the homeless, the Roma, and the gypsy/bohemian/nomad/travelers of the world, especially those in dire situations...

~ Morria

What Do They Know?

I sit here in this room,
nothing but this bag to call my own
Why am I here?
What has happened?

They say I am a streetrat, 
an outcast, a vagabond.
What do they know?

I sit here praying,
Family's still on the move,
Why are we hated?
What have we done?

They say I am a streetrat, 
an outcast, a vagabond.
What do they know?

I sit here in this slum,
nothing but rot to call a home.
Why don't they care?
How could things change?

What do they know?
We have a history,
We have names.
We are humans.
We are everyone. 

MMN - 2009 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

"Bardic Circle"

Today our friends the Grover's hosted a "Bardic Circle".  This weeks theme was Native Drum Circle, Aaron was there for it of course, as were many of our other gypsy, goth, subculture, traveler, and nomadic friends.  As we began to share music, songs, and stories, my heart began to cry.  What are we doing here?  Our hearts for helping other people, maybe living in Dine Bikeyah, but not in the city here.  It hurt to much, but now I realize I cannot put the open road and ministering to fellow outcasts out of my mind or heart.  Tis in there just too deep.

What now?  I dont know what this means for the future... I dont know what roads this means we will go down.  But I do know that it means Chicago is not the end point, but just a stop on the trail...

We are here in Chicago for until at least next August or September, and after that I have even less clue where we shall journey.  God, You have to be in this, because I have no clue what You are up to here...

~ Morria

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A visit!

Merami and Daddy came to visit!  And they brought stuff!!!  I couldnt be happier.  I get to show Merami and Daddy around town... and now I have my Victorian wardrobe to store stuff in too!  Yeah, yeah... I know, I am a gypsy goth gal who loves the open road and not much stuff... but this is my one furniture piece that I adore from my childhood.  I always longed to have it, and now that I am married it is mine.  LOL!  Merami and Daddy took well to the beach, though Daddy swears he will never ever ever come back to Chicago again.  He hates the big city and the traffic.  Not that I blame him, most parking places are at least $3 a day.  That is why Daddy brought me my bike, Meg, so that I can get around town and not worry about a car.

Now, they are headed back after spending Merami's 62nd birthday in Chicago site seeing.  I got to take her to all the best thrift stores, from Little Thai Town to Unique Thrift to Salvation Army, we hit them all!  I trust it was a good birthday for her.

~ Morria