Friday, August 10, 2007

Trouble came and went...

I learned an important lesson in taking in fellow travelers, gypsies, and nomads this week.  An old friend, Rekker, whom I had not seen in some time... came through Didean this week... He thought he would come to my house and take over the safe haven... I had offered him shelter as an old friend.  But in less than a day he was causing trouble... first he hit on me, only to find out Robby and I are a couple.  Then he tried to take over running the safe house.  Then he had the nerve to start telling all of us how we were going to run Didean from then on... Thankfully Jo and the kids were out of town visiting friends for the week, or she would have tangled with him BIG time.

As it was, I had very cross words with him.  He had been told he could sleep on the floor in the living room with the mats and sleeping bags until something better could be found.  Instead, he ordered Robby out of his room, put in an air conditioner (which no one should have as the wiring in that room needs fixing, and will be worked on in 2 weeks), and invited a girl we dont know over.  That and he tried to get meds at the hospital, only to not want to wait the 5 hrs needed to get them (we later found out he abuses them).  Good riddance.  I am all for helping fellow gypies, travelers, and nomads, but they have to respect the house and the few rules we keep.  Rekker did not.  Farewell, I trust you find what you are looking for and some peace in your soul to go with it....

~ Morria

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Winds of Change...

"A task, a journey, this is to what I am called.
Always restless as flows the Celtic blood,
Always seeking that which I am to do.
Never sure of where the wind will blow,
Always knowing with You I will go.

My journey is my own,
Yet another You have sent,
For me to journey with.
Two restless Celtic souls,
With stories to be told.
Father, You and You alone,
Know what these journeys hold,
And what the journey-task it is,
So to you I cling, in these darkened days.
As I travel on Thy path."

© 2007 MMH/MMN

Robby is to be more than just a friend... 
I think I have found the one...
at last!

~ Morria

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Train Hoppers and Romance

Just down the street from us lives another house of gypsies of sorts.  It is owned by a young woman who is "retired" from train hopping due to no longer being able to.  She takes in fellow young women who are train hoppers, gives them a place to stay, job references, and helps them get on their feet until they can or want to catch the next train.  After learning that our goal was to do much the same thing, but for a broader circle than she was focusing on... Megan invited us over for some snacks and just to hang out. The food, tne music, and the company was good, but  Robby and I did not stay for too long though, because we had alot on our minds.

Earlier tonight, before we went to Megan's, we had been to Zao Fellowship, and ate at Red Robin's with them afterwards.  I was being left out of all the conversations... and shot Barq's Root Beer threw a straw at Robby... flirting. I guess.  Well, conversation and feelings between us was growing... now awakened. So, we are going to explore this... and see if just maybe 13 years is not to big of a gap for two gypsies to cross for love...

~ Morria