Thursday, January 29, 2015


My studies are going well.  Better than I expected.  At first, I was like, well Natural Health is here to stay, I have always been good at understanding it, yet, I just did not really realize how much God had built it into me as one of my great passion.  True, often in my stories there was an herbalist.  When I was younger at first it was a secondary character, and I was the warrior woman.  Then as I grew older that shifted, and instead of a warrior woman, I was the healer, the herbalist herself...

Then, I really grew up, and bought into what I was told, "You cant do that, not in the modern world."  I should have looked into it.  I should not have just listened to those who were ill informed on many issues.  It is a viable trade again, there is training for it, which now I am seeking, but with great time lost.  Yet, looking back I wonder... Would have I been as good at it at 19 as I am now at 32?  Would I have had the passion, the skill, the understanding?  Or would I have just been a childish dreamer back then?  I guess I shall never know, but the future is indeed brighter.   Soon, I shall be Morria the Herbalist, for that I am truly thankful.

~ Morria

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What is going on?

What is really going on?  What in the world am I doing here?  Everything feels so odd... So out of place... So wrong.    If I am suppose to be in the place, how long and why?  Was it to refind myself?  I have done that (I think?).  Was to settle once and for all my heart is in Dine Bikeyah?  I have most diffenently learned that.  Was it for Rob to learn what he need to?  His doing that.   Now what?   How long till I get to return to New Mexico?  How long till we can settle down for good?   Or is there more crazy stuff first?  I am not sure how much longer my heart and soul can wait...

~ Morria

Sunday, January 18, 2015

32nd Year...

So, as of 9:35AM, I am offically 32 years old/young, how ever you wish to see it!  LOL!  Some people dont count their years past 21 or 30, but for me, I soo do!  I guess my year of sorrow at 19 years old, taught me how each year we are given is a blessing from the Lord, and to treasure the moments and cherish those we love...for we don't know not how long we have!  I have been blessed with a good 31 years, and cant wait to make the best of my 32nd!  This year from where I now stand, seems to be shaping up to be the best in years, partly because of my view on it, partly because I will strive to make that way, and partly because of good things set to happen in 2015... Year of the Gypsy, here I come!

~ Morria

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dancing Again...

 Have you ever stopped doing something, either because you just forgot to do it or because where you lived it became impossible to do?  As time wore on, you vaguely remember the joy and happiness, the release and storytelling it brought to your life, the art and vibrancy it brought to your soul and your home... then one day, you began to look back on your life and wonder, "Where did the dancing go?"   I can even remember why I stopped.  Maybe Merami's clutter took up the dance floor (aka living room).  Maybe I moved away and didnt have a place to for a long time... Or maybe I just forgot how to let go and move to the music.  For what ever reason, stop it did.  And my heart got homesick for it...

Not an more!   Today dance has returned to my home... and I feel so alive... a piece of my soul is whole again.  Why I ever stopped, or if I just planned to rest from an injury or something, I will never know, but now I am go to make room for it in my days again.   I use to dance daily, if not more, and I was alive, vibrant, and me...  I stopped, and art slowly faded from my life...  Maybe as I dance, and my soul awakens... my drawing and other art will return as well...

~ Morria 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


They say when you get older you know yourself better...  sadly that is not always true.  I think I knew more about who I was and where I was heading at 16 than I did at 21.  I hit the "real world" and thought, "Hey, I was a kid, I thought like one, I can't do any of that as an adult."  Well, I was wrong.
1) I wanted to be a missionary living out in Dine Bikeyah. - VERY Do able! 
2) I wanted to use and teach others to use herbs. - Working towards now!
3) I wanted to live off the land.  - Working towards our own homestead!

Why did I stop working towards those last two?  Because well meaning adults told me to grow up and join the "real world", you can survive and provide doing those.

So now the door swung open...  I can see clearly the path that was hiding just beneath the fog of lies.  I can be the woman God created me to be.  My love of Herbs, of the Natural world, of tending to others, and living off the land... they do have a place in the 21st Century.  I am not just some crazy dreamer.  I am the Desert Gypsy Goth/ Gypsy Goth Gal that I am suppose to be.  This backward look, for forward purpose, has been a true blessing... a journey of rediscovery of the Morria I have always been underneath...

~ Morria

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Gypsy Gal's Song of Reflection

Be still, my wandering soul,
Rest, my gypsy feet,
Be at peace, my sojourning heart!

The Journey-Giver is with you,
The Story-Maker is your King,
The Refuge-Keeper is your God!

O, sing my soul!
O, dance my feet!
O, rejoice my heart!

Magnify His Holy Name!

© 2015 MMN  

~ Morria 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year is Dawning! 2015!

A new year is upon us!  2015 has darkened our doors.  The old year of 2014 has passed, and the new year of 2015 has dawned.
May haps 2015 shall be brighter and more joyful than 2014 was?
Or may haps my way of looking at the trials that come my way, bidden and unbidden... has or will be be changing in 2015.  May be this is the year for new adventures and setting down the frame work to accomplish some big new dreams... mine and Robby's too.
Where ever it takes us, I know God goes with us!

New Year Goals - 2015

  • Stay settled for ALL of 2015 (not including road trips) - Don't let the wanderlust uproot us before Rob graduates!
  • Grow in God and be Engaged in His Word!
  • Eat more healthily - more Eco-friendly, Naturally, & Organically.
  • Let my walls down - Let myself be more of the free spirit that I caged inside!
  • Let go of "stuff" - Find new ways to remember that dont weight down the journey!
  • Re-learn to play my guitar!
  • Find a bike I adore and get back onto the road around town!
  • Start dancing again!  (Haven't really since 2007, and not a lot  since 2002...)

~ Morria