Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day: 2014

 When we first entered this plant with Adam and Eve, God gave us but one job, tending the garden.
Now many years later, we have to be reminded that we have been given only one Earth, and it is our job to take care of it.  As broken, tattered, and gypsy souls as we are, we only have one dwelling to remain in until we enter heaven, and we best be busy caring for it.

Some might say, we are heaven bound, what does it mater what we do to the earth?  First off, God told us to care for earth.  Secondly, it is a good witness to those who have yet to believe.  Thirdly and personally, there is so much joy to found working with earth and in desert/beach/forest/gardens.  So, if nothing else, take time to day to stop and smell the flowers!

~ Morria