Saturday, August 18, 2001

Christian Goths?

Something interesting I was introduced to while in New Orleans, was the concept of Subculture Christians: Goths, Punks, Sk8ers, Metalheads, and more. I mean, I had know somewhat about Punks who serve Christ, one of the youth pastors from camp (who's mom is good friends with mine), is a Punk.  But I never really thought of it, especially when it came to the Goths.  I have always been interested in Goths, but everyone told me "Those black clothed heathens have nothing to do with Christ, and their is no hope for them unless they convert and give up there dressing in darkness."  Yet, dark colored clothing for the first 1700-1800 years of Christianity was looked on as being pious... hmm.  I must look into this more.

To my delight, I have found ChristianGoth.Com, a wonderful site full of info run by Lady Michaela.  I have been e-mailing her now for a while. More an more I am thinking this might be who I am, and that God might have a calling for me among those who dwell in the Shadowlands.   I am not sure.  Need to do alot more thinking, praying and research... this gypsy gal may just be a gothic gypsy gal.

~ Morria