Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Travel and Me... and a Home!

Most people think I like to travel just because I call myself a gypsy.  While it is true that I adore the feeling of traveling down the open road, there is something I love and long for even more...A place to put down roots and call "HOME" for long term.  And that is Robby and my goal.  As soon as the lease here in Scottsdale expires... we are heading out one last time... and going to give every effort in our being to settle down in along term home.  Home sweet home...and a place I can wander out from...and always know is waiting for me to come back...that is what I dream of, long for, and greatly desire in life...

~ Morria

Friday, March 27, 2015

My Love and Me...

My love and me, 
Just us two,
Every true,
Side by Side,

Hand in Hand,
Heart in Heart,

Souls entwined,
Together dreams to share...

© 2015 MMN

~ Morria

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Gypsy Soul

Gypsy soul, fettered down by world's cares,
Gypsy soul, battered & broken by pain,
Gypsy soul, tattered & seeking rest.

How long is this road before us?
How long till this path divides?
How long shall this trail be?

This Gypsy longs for a place of rest,
This Gypsy longs for a home to settle,
This Gypsy longs for His peace to remain.

© 2015 MMN

~ Morria

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Itchy Feet!

We have been basically stationary for the last 6 months, and my feet are getting itchy to travel.  We have not been this stationary, in well... our whole marriage.  We were always on the road at least part time, raising support as missionaries, traveling to help family, traveling to the churches we worked in on the rez or elsewhere...
Now?  We are so settled it feels like my head is spinning.  This overly hot valley which houses the Phoenix metro is not a place I want to be stuck in for long.  Our lease is till October, so I will abide till then... Hopefully my health will hold out over the summer... as the 90 F it has been already this spring is doing a number on me already.

Maybe God is trying to teach me how to settle down.  How to be a good wife.  How to be a "Stay at Home Gypsy"...
All I know is I am climbing walls and restless trying to figure out who I am looks like in this new chapter that is beginning to open up... and I am not doing to well in the adjustment phase, as Robby can tell you.  Restless "Gypsy Gal" is not a happy "Gypsy Gal".  LOL.

Honestly though, I do think God is trying to teach me to be a good wife, homemaker, and to learn to be a gypsy without always being on the open road.

I don't know where the days and months ahead are leading me and Robby, only that we are on a grand new adventure... bumpy as it may be.
I don't know where this new "road" in life is going, only that the Journey-Giver has set it before us.
"Daddy, help me to be all that You wish for me, in this our new adventure! Amen."

~ Morria

Friday, March 13, 2015

Those who have gone before...

25 years ago, my Grandma Houser passed away,
22 years ago, my Grandpa Fitzpatrick passed away,
15 years ago, my Grandpa Houser passed away,
13 years ago, was the "Year of Sorrow",
10 years ago, my Grandma Fitzpatrick passed away,
7 years ago, Robby's Grandma Sylvania passed away.
3 years ago, my Aunt Nelda and Aunt Jewel passed away,
1 year ago, my Merami passed away.

In honor of them all, I share you this song that I wrote in 2000,
when Grandpa Houser passed away:

Song of Sorrow
(set to the tune of "Barbra Allen")

From Irish halls to huts straw,
the wind of sorrow blows,
an’ everyone that hears its song,
knows of the cryin’. 

For in the heart an’ in the ear,
 the song it goes,
and sends each one
to bended knee
 for sorrow's prayer.

For sorrow’s course must take its hold,
and the joy its wing,
for in this life
they have their place,
an’ none can change it.

For in sorrows an’ joys,
this life its made,
an’ though we plead,
an’ though we beg,
this life it flies on.

So when the wind of sorrow comes,
we know our lot,
an’ turn our hearts
 to the Lord above,
our God and King!

For in His death
He bore our pain,
on sorrow’s tree,
an’ in Him we have our hope
for today.

So now, my friends,
ye’ve heard
the song of sorrow,
an’ to thee I bid ado
until the mor-row.

Copyright 2000 MMH/MMN

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ren. Faire Fun!

I took Robby to his first Ren. Faire today!  It was good to pull my old Monika of Rosenguard persona out of the trunk...as I have not used it in nearly 12 years... not that I havent gone to Ren Faires in that long, just not as my Monika persona, but my Morria an Rath Giolla one instead.  Nice change of pace.  Robby loved the faire, got himself a pirate hat, and now he is looking into pirate fests and mountain man rendezvouses, he liked the Ren Faire so much. LOL! Now at least he gets why I wanted to dress up for it, and next time he will go as a pirate so all is good...

The Arizona Renaissance Festival is one of the largest I have ever been to!  Much lager than the now closed Newman College Ren Faire, or the Great Plains Renaissance Festival (still going on), that I grew up going to in Wichita, KS. At first it was over whelming, but then it was a blast.  So many ideas both for crafting and for writing... and they even have a Celtic Cross near the Celtic Crafts and Village life area.  Perfect!  All in all, it was a blast, and for sure something Robby and I shall add to our adventures, if not yearly then quiet often.

~ Morria