Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Dream...

The following is a reoccuring dream I have had since I was about 16, with details adding on as I have gotten older.  Up until about 2 years ago, it stopped with me jumping off the cliff.   

 As I close my eyes, I see the trail behind me and the trail before me.  I see parts of both covered in deep misty fog.  Mesas, towering red and mighty, stunning forests, lush and green, and snow covered hills, sparkly and pure, peak out from the fog on the trail behind me.  In the clearing before me, the path comes to the edge of a cliff.  I can either sit on a bench by the edge, or take a leap of faith and walk off the edge.  I sit for a few moments working up courage to peak over the edge.  The deep grey and warm brown cliff gives way far below to the deep blue and foamy white ocean.  Quickly, I step off, "Now or Never", taking no though for my clothing, heave and dark, worn and tattered.
As I float downward, my dark heavy clothing falls of piece by piece, till all that is left is a thin, soft blue, sparkly sundress.  Gracefully I slip into the water and begin swimming as the water calms.  Playing behind me in the water are dolphins.  I swim up to a beach and walk out.  A fire is built on the beach and palm trees are swaying.  Robby is cooking fish he has caught.  I lay down at peace on the beach beside him and the fire, and close my eyes.  (END)

Thoughts anyone?

~ Morria

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