They say when you get older you know yourself better... sadly that is not always true. I think I knew more about who I was and where I was heading at 16 than I did at 21. I hit the "real world" and thought, "Hey, I was a kid, I thought like one, I can't do any of that as an adult." Well, I was wrong.
1) I wanted to be a missionary living out in Dine Bikeyah. - VERY Do able!
2) I wanted to use and teach others to use herbs. - Working towards now!
3) I wanted to live off the land. - Working towards our own homestead!
Why did I stop working towards those last two? Because well meaning adults told me to grow up and join the "real world", you can survive and provide doing those.
So now the door swung open... I can see clearly the path that was hiding just beneath the fog of lies. I can be the woman God created me to be. My love of Herbs, of the Natural world, of tending to others, and living off the land... they do have a place in the 21st Century. I am not just some crazy dreamer. I am the Desert Gypsy Goth/ Gypsy Goth Gal that I am suppose to be. This backward look, for forward purpose, has been a true blessing... a journey of rediscovery of the Morria I have always been underneath...
~ Morria
1) I wanted to be a missionary living out in Dine Bikeyah. - VERY Do able!
2) I wanted to use and teach others to use herbs. - Working towards now!
3) I wanted to live off the land. - Working towards our own homestead!
Why did I stop working towards those last two? Because well meaning adults told me to grow up and join the "real world", you can survive and provide doing those.

~ Morria
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