Thursday, January 29, 2015


My studies are going well.  Better than I expected.  At first, I was like, well Natural Health is here to stay, I have always been good at understanding it, yet, I just did not really realize how much God had built it into me as one of my great passion.  True, often in my stories there was an herbalist.  When I was younger at first it was a secondary character, and I was the warrior woman.  Then as I grew older that shifted, and instead of a warrior woman, I was the healer, the herbalist herself...

Then, I really grew up, and bought into what I was told, "You cant do that, not in the modern world."  I should have looked into it.  I should not have just listened to those who were ill informed on many issues.  It is a viable trade again, there is training for it, which now I am seeking, but with great time lost.  Yet, looking back I wonder... Would have I been as good at it at 19 as I am now at 32?  Would I have had the passion, the skill, the understanding?  Or would I have just been a childish dreamer back then?  I guess I shall never know, but the future is indeed brighter.   Soon, I shall be Morria the Herbalist, for that I am truly thankful.

~ Morria

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