Ministering to the hurting, outcast, misfits, and subcultures, often is a lonely thankless ministry. Even more so if you are in an area where the views are still stuck back 30 to 50 years in the past, where misunderstandings, miscommunications, and misidentification are common place. It is often tempting to lay aside the calling God has placed on your life, and just try to blend in. To walk away and try to fit into the mainstream, but that is like walking into a deep foggy forest without a compass...
It takes courage to come back out of that forest, pick up the compass and the Light for your path, and do what is asked of you. Even if some close to you don't understand why you still walk in the shadowlands, you have to keep going. It will be like a fire in the bones if you dont. When one is not on the right path, everything is wrong, and you are miserable. But when you find that path again, and take up your journey-task with courage, joy creeps back...

So, having learned that the hard way, as I must so many things in life. My cut up and bruised bare feet, are back on the narrow pathway of my calling. Am I meant to serve the outcast, broken, and wounded? Yes! Am I meant to minister subcultures? Yes! Am I meant to serve in Dine Bikeyah and the Native Southwest? Yes! Took me forever to learn that and to learn what that might even look like... Each path is diffrent, and everyones hardship diffrent. Take heart to walk the path and do the journey take He has set before each of us. His ways are good, even if they always remain hard. His comfort sustains, even if enough to just make it one more day, one more step... His light is just enough.
~ Morria
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