It has been a hard year. Moved back to Dine Bikeyah only to have my heart ripped out and trampled on by those who asked us out here. Just after that, my Merami (mother) passed away suddenly. After the memorial, I basically shut down for 2-3 months. Darkness over took me. I was lost. I did not know what path to be on anymore. Kept going through the motions, knowing that if I kept going forward, I would in time see the light beyond the deep heavy fog that I was in.
Then this month, the light has begun the peak through a bit. My husband, Robby, and I decided to sit down and watch a TV show he had discovered called "
Grimm". To my surprise, I loved it. Even more surprising, it awoke in me realization I could turn my passion into a living. So now I am studying to become a Natural Health Consultant, phase 1 of my 4 part plan: Phase 1: Natural Health Consultant Training; Phase 2: Master Herbalist Training; Phase 3: Doula or Midwife Training; Phase 4: Open Herb, Tea, Spice Shop and Natural Health Consultant Office. Now my passion for herbs and natural health wont be wasted...
So I must say, while the pathway is still as dark as ever, now a path way is lit before me. The way is clearer, and my hope stronger. My faith will carry me on, even if I dont understand why I am going through these things. So I say again, "
To you my Lord, will I cling. Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ to my right, and Christ to my left."
~ Morria
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