Today our friends the Grover's hosted a "Bardic Circle". This weeks theme was Native Drum Circle, Aaron was there for it of course, as were many of our other gypsy, goth, subculture, traveler, and nomadic friends. As we began to share music, songs, and stories, my heart began to cry. What are we doing here? Our hearts for helping other people, maybe living in Dine Bikeyah, but not in the city here. It hurt to much, but now I realize I cannot put the open road and ministering to fellow outcasts out of my mind or heart. Tis in there just too deep.

We are here in Chicago for until at least next August or September, and after that I have even less clue where we shall journey. God, You have to be in this, because I have no clue what You are up to here...
~ Morria
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