So here I am in New Orleans with my new found friends... Sonnie, Matt, and so many others. As I sit on the floor of the church on my bed roll drying off, I cant help thinking... "Wow, this is more than I ever imagined!" I have heard people speaking full Cajun French, eatted mostly Cajun and Creole food, and discovered Cafe Due Mont Ice Coffee. Even more, I found a "little brother", and a dear friend...
What have I done besides see the sights? We hosted a VBS at a church in the 9th Ward. Done street ministry along side voodoo booths, fortune tellers, and tarot card readers. Talked at length to a practicing druid from Ireland. Yes, we did take a day to shop at the markets and shops... but that was one day out of 14! And that is also the day it desided to down pour on us... thus why I am sitting here drying off. LOL!
~ Morria

~ Morria
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